4 THE BOOK OF EEAL FAIRIES "• There ! " cried the raindrop, triumphantly. " I knew it ! And how many kinds of water are there ? Can you tell me that ? " " Why, I thought all water was alike," returned Evelyn. 6t Exactly ! exactly ! " ejaculated G-litter, sarcastic- ally. " Isn't the sea water salty ? Isn't spring water different from rain ? " "So it is!" replied Evelyn, in surprise, tt and as you are a raindrop, you must have been a cloud.55 't Very well, indeed," exclaimed Glitter, " you are beginning to think. I was part of a cloud for the last two days. Millions of my brothers and I were sailing half a mile above your head. Our Captain gathered us from the sea, as moisture, and led us to this spot because rain was so badly needed. It's o'reat fun to come hurtling down through the air. The plants are very grateful to us ... They eat us," he added. " Mercy ! " cried Evelyn, " do you like that ? " " It isn't always what you like that is good for you," said G-litter, " but in this case it happens that we do like it, my brothers and I, for when the plants absorb us, we become flowers or grain or some such thing. Isn't that worth dying for ? " a Oh, yes," cried Evelyn, who began to under- stand,